Privacy Policy

Effective Oct 23 2021

1. Controller

Controller and responsible person for this website according to chapter 1, article 4, paragraph 7 of the “General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)” (EU) 2016/679 - in Germany “Datengrundschutzverordnung (DGSVO)” is

Dr. Andreas Küchler
Hochreuth 2
91088 Bubenreuth

In the following we speak of "we/us/our" to denote the controller.

2. Collection of Personal Data

a) Browser Data

On visit of our website the following browsing data is automatically collected and communicated to our hosting service provider

  • IP address
  • type, language and version information of the browser you are using
  • the operating system
  • date and time of your visit, time zone difference to Greenwich Meant Time (GMT)
  • address of visited web page
  • access state / HTTP status return code
  • the amount of data submitted
  • the web site from where you called our web site

Thus, we get information about your interactions with our site, though we use this in anonymous, aggregated or pseudonymized form which does not focus on you individually.
We use this data to grant the operability of our web site and to evaluate, provide, protect or improve our Services.
Legal foundation is Article 6, Paragraph 1f (GDPR).

b) Cookies

With the visit of our website so-called "Cookies" are stored at your computing device. Cookies are small text data associated to your browser and persisted on your storage device. Cookies are passive elements, can neither execute programming code nor transfer malicious code on your computer system.
They are to grant the operability of our website and to optimize our web site with regards to usability and efficiency.
Legal foundation for the submission of Cookies is Article 6, Paragraph 1f (GDPR).

Our web site is applying so-called session Cookies. These contain a so-called session ID, allowing to associate different calls to one common session and anonymous user. With this approach session settings of a user can be recognized when the web site is visited again. Session Cookies are deleted from the browser on exit.

Cookies can be deleted anytime by means of your browser´s security settings. You may also configure your browser in a way that cookies are rejected. Eventually this may lead to a loss of functionality for our web site.

c) Contacting us via Email or via the Contact Form

When you are contacting us via Email or by means of our contact form the submitted data (E-Mail-address, pre- and surname or pseudonym, subject, and content of the message) is stored if and as long as we need them to process and to answer your inquiry.
Legal foundation is Article 6, Paragraph 1f (GDPR).

d) Google Services

Our web site is using fonts that are offered by Google LLC (denoted as „Google“ in the following sections). On call of our web site, the so-called Google Fonts will be loaded into your browser cache. Furthermore, the Google Service "YouTube" is used to embed videos in our web site. These videos are persisted at and streamed to you on request.

We are using Google Fonts to present our web site by means of readable and aesthetic fonts. Google Maps is to embed interactive maps directly into our web pages. This allows you to find locations in a convenient way (without the need to open another web site/page). We embed YouTube-Videos to show you visual impressions from exhibitions, to offer you tutorials and other services.
Legal foundation is Article 6, Paragraph 1f (GDPR).

In case your browser is not supporting Google Fonts your computer will substitute them by default system fonts.

On visit of our web site Google will be informed about the web page you called. Furthermore, those data that is listed in 2 a) will be submitted to Google.
This happens whether you have a Google account (and being logged on) or not. When you have been already logged into your Google account, your data is directly associated to your Google user account. In case you do not want this linkage we asked you kindly to log off your Google account before you are going to visit our web pages.

The embedding of the YouTube videos is done by means of the so-called "extended security mode". This means that your data will not be submitted to Google as long as you do not play the video. When you play a video Google will receive a notification that you triggered the play. This happens whether you have a YouTube account (and being logged on) or not. When you have been already logged into your YouTube account, your data is directly associated to your YoutTube user account. In case you do not want this linkage we asked you kindly to log off your YouTube account before you are going to visit our web pages.

Google is storing your data as user profiles and is utilizing them for the purpose of advertising, market research and the adequate design of its web site. A such analysis is (even for users not logged on their Google account) especially done to provide targeted advertises. You are free to dissent against the generation of these user profiles. Please directly contact Google:

Google Ireland Limited
Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland

Detailed information on purpose and scope of data collection and its processing by Google, on your rights and on the capabilities for privacy configurations may be found in their data privacy rules:

e) Adobe Fonts (previously "Typekit by Adobe")

Our web site is using the "Adobe Fonts" fonts offered by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited ("Adobe").

On call of our web page these fonts will be loaded by your browser into your browser cache. Your browser is connecting to the Adobe server and is submitting data as listed under 2a).

We are utilizing these fonts to provide readable and aesthetic web pages.
Legal foundation is Article 6, Paragraph 1f (GDPR).

In case your browser is not supporting these Adobe fonts your computer system will substitute them by a standard system font.

To contact Adobe:

Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited
4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24
Republic of Ireland
Tel.: +353-1-242-6700, Fax: +353-1-242-6711

Further information on the Adobe Fonts may be found under and within the Adobe data privacy rules under

f) Links to Social Networks

Our web site links to our profiles at the social networks Instagram and Pinterest (in the following denoted by "social networks").
This means that your data will not be submitted to the previously stated social networks unless you click the corresponding links.

With the click or activation of the links to social networks you will be routed to our profile at the corresponding social network. This social network will get the information that you called our web site. Then the browser data listed under 2a) is submitted to the corresponding social network. This happens although you might not have a user account at the activated social network. In case you have an account and you are logged on the data will be linked to your corresponding user profile. If want to avoid this log off from your account before clicking or activating the social media links at our web site.

The corresponding social network is storing your data as user profiles and is utilizing them for the purpose of advertisings, market research and/or optimized design of its web site. Such a processing will be especially done (even for user that are not logged on) to generate targeted advertisings and to notify other user of the social network about your activities (on our web site). You are free to place an objection against this user profiling towards the corresponding social network (contact information, see below).

We are linking to our profiles at the social networks to provide you a convenient and direct access.
Legal foundation for the submission of Cookies is Article 6, Paragraph 1f (GDPR).

The social networks Facebook and Instagram are served and operated by:

Facebook Ireland Limited
Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour
Dublin 2

You may find the data privacy policies of facebook at

You may find the data privacy policies of instagram at

The social network Pinterest is served and operated by:

Pinterest Europe Ltd.
Palmerston House, 2nd Floor, Fenian Street
Dublin 2, Ireland

You may find the data privacy policies of Pinterest at

g) Links to 3rd-Party Web Sites

Our web pages contains links to - beside the social networks mentions in 2f) - other web sites ("3rd-party").

Your browsing data listed under 2a) will not be transmitted to the controllers of 3rd-party unless you click or activate the corresponding link. You will be mediated to the 3rd-party web site and page only if you clicked or activated the corresponding link.

Die linkage to 3rd-party web sites is done to provide you a convenient and direct access to those 3rd-party web sites.
Legal foundation for the submission of Cookies is Article 6, Paragraph 1f (GDPR).

Please notice that these 3rd-party web sites collect their own set of personal data. Since have no means on this 3rd-party data collection we strongly recommend you to read their privacy policies in advance. Please be also aware that we take no accountability for the GDPR compliance and for the contents of 3rd-parties.

h) Newsletter Subscription and Distribution

We offer you at our web site the capability to subscribe to our newsletter. In case you acknowledge your subscription to our newsletter we will inform you about news and activities of the web site responsible and his activities.

The registration to our newsletter works according the so-called "Double-Opt-in" procedure. We will - after you registered - send you an email where an acknowledge link is included. This acknowledge link has to be clicked (or activated) within 24 hours to finalize your subscription. In case you do not acknowledge within 24 hours your registration date will be locked and automatically deleted after one month. Within that period of time we store your IP address received with your registration in order to audit your registration and in order to be able to resolve potential missuses of your personal data.

By your activation of the acknowledge link we persist your submitted data in order to be able to send you our future issues of our newsletter.
Legal foundation for the submission of Cookies is Article 6, Paragraph 1f (GDPR).

The distribution of our newsletter is done by the service "MailChimp" offered by:

The Rocket Science Group, LLC
675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE
Suite 5000
Atlanta, GA 30308 USA

Please be aware that your user activity is tracked and utilized by us and by The Rocket Science Group, LLC. Our newsletter issues contain so-called Web-Beacons, Tracking-Pixel or comparable technologies. We evaluate your browser data listed under 2a) and link them to your email address and a unique ID. The yielded data is used by us and by The Rocket Science Group, LLC to maintain user profiles. These user profiles allow us and The Rocket Science Group, LLC to understand when you read our newsletter issue and which links contained in you are clicking or activate. From that behavioural browsing data we und The Rocket Science Group, LLC infer your personal (reading) interests. Furthermore, we link your newsletter browsing data to your activities performed on our web site.

Legal foundation for the submission of Cookies is Article 6, Paragraph 1f (GDPR).

You may find the data privacy policies of The Rocket Science Group, LLC under:

You are free to reject your subscription to our newsletter and your agreement on the processing and storage of your submitted data at any time. Just click or activate the "unsubscribe" link in any of the newsletter issue you received so far. Or notify us by means of an email about your objections (for contact info, see 1). After you un-subscripted your data will be anonymised and persisted as part of overall statistics only.

i) Registrations to Workshops and/or Tutorials

From time to time we post invitations to workshops/tutorials on our web site that will be conducted as online or presence courses.

When you register by means of our registration form we will store the communicated data (email address, pre- and surname, course title, date of the course and questions upon) only in scope and until it is required to process your registration and to conduct the course.
Legal foundation is Article 6, Paragraph 1f (GDPR).

Please note that we transfer your submitted data to the organizer and lecturer of the course.
Please be aware that a contract with the organizer about the course is made only between you and the organizers -- and not between you and us.

In case you acknowledged your registration we will store your submitted data in our contact book. This is to be able to inform you about changes in the course organization (e.g. cancellation). As part of our quality assurance process we will invite you within some weeks after the workshop to an online feedback questionnaire. We will ask about your satisfaction and the quality of the course. You are free to participate in the feedback or not. With the ending (after the feedback step) of the course we will delete your registration data and assure that your data is not transferred to 3rd-parties.
Legal foundation is Article 6, Paragraph 1f (GDPR).

You can reject your acknowledgement at any time. Please you the contact stated at 1)

3. Your Rights

a) Your Rights as Person Concerned

We grant you the following rights on your personal data: right on information about content, scope and purpose of stored data; right to request change, correction and deletion; right on restricting the way of data processing; right to put the objection against processing of your data; right to get your data transferred to an alternative service provider in the same domain.
For details, see Article. 15 and succeeding (GDPR).

Further you have th right to file a complaint against our processing of your personal data at data protection regulatory body (in Germany: "Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit" and its subsidiaries in the countries).
For details, see Article. 77 1) (GDPR).

b) Rejection of Acknowledgements

You can reject your given acknowledgement for data processing any time. Unless there are no legal obligations to persist the data for a certain period of time we will stop the processing of your data and will delete them.

Please submit your inquiry on the rejection to the address stated under contact 1)

c) Objections against the Processing of Your Personal Data

We listed the different use cases for the processing of your data according to the legal anchorage in Article 1f) of the GDPR. However, given your personal reasons you can put the objection against the processing of your personal data at any time.

We will no longer process and store your personal data upon your objection -- unless we can claim protective or legal reasons which outweigh your interests, rights and personal freedom. A further reason for the continued processing of your data might be in the enforcement, the exercise or the defense of legal claims at our side.

Please argue about your individual interests, rights and personal within your objection inquiry. We will then check whether they outweigh our legal concerns. Your rejection should be send to our contact address stated at 1)

4. About this Privacy Policy Text

Credits to Carolina Martinez (Kreativlabor Coworkingspace Erlangen, for her support in creating my data privacy policies.