how to logo
A new website needs … a new logo, of course!
“… my photograph arises behind the eyes …”
This statement is describing what I wanted to express by my new logo.

Immediately, I got some associations — “eye(s)”, “camera”, …”behind the eye” — and started a query on
The first result image that was attracting me was a close-up photograph of a blue eye.
Next idea was to look for something that could represent the camera. Querying for “aperture” … as “part pro toto”. The black aperture icon looks promising … but how to combine … into one logo? Another query … and it was clear to me that the iris of the eye should be replaced by the camera aperture!
A wonderful icon of a female blue eye with aperture-like iris is looking at me (credits to Not bad … but it appears to me a little bit too playful. I wanted to have only one color and a clearer shape. Thus, I decided to chose my favorite purple color.
With some rubber tool engagement in my favorite painting tool paint.NET I have been able to “cut” the lashes, to purify the shape and to remove the blue color from the iris/aperture.
I put my signature in the lower right corner of the cornea … and … done!